2023     “S2 Episode 26: Moving in at Haystack Heights with Bob Francis.” Cohousing Houston Podcast. March 14. Available at  

2023     “The Men—and Boys—Are Not Alright.” The Ezra Klein Show Podcast. March 10.

2022     “RSF Journal Contributors Discuss Their Findings on the Impacts of Growing Up Rural.” RSF Blog. Russell Sage Foundation. October 3. Available at

2022     Wilmes, Brittany. “Living Simply in a Cohousing Community: An interview with Yvette Schock and Bob Francis.” Faith & Money Newsletter. Available at

2021     Wessel, Angela. “Food insecurity and textbooks: On the hidden costs of college.” Through the Curtain. Available at

2021     Bowers, Esther. KXLY. “Packed In: ‘It’s just another option of housing’: Families get ready to move into co-housing neighborhood.” July 26.

2019     Thompson, Derek. “Elite Failure Has Brought Americans to the Edge of an Existential Crisis.The Atlantic. September 5.

2019     Brooks, David. “The Rise of the Haphazard Self: How Working-Class Men Detach from Work, Family and Church.The New York Times. May 13.

2017     “Episode 13: Robert Francis on the Rural White Male Trump Voter.” The Annex Sociology Podcast. December 4.

2016     Chism, Rachel. “JHU students get immersive introduction to issues facing refugee communities.” February 4.